Addressing and exploring role boundaries?
Clarifying in action their four dimensions

March 22, 2025, Tallinn
Hotel Europe conference centre

The clearer each professional role is, the more effective each professional can be and the less confusion/tensions arise in a team. All the more since the role boundaries must be in phase with the work reality.
  • What are our role boundaries?
  • How can we adjust them to reality?
  • How can we help others to do so too?

Here are the main issues we will address in this masterclass. Indeed capturing the (un)balanced four dimensions of a professional role is often needed to grow a professional’s well-being and efficiency.

This masterclass is built around two complementary parts:
  • Grasping the diverse aspects of these unavoidable dimensions of a professional role
  • Practicing Action Methods and Psychodrama to help each other explore one’s own
Thus at the end of the day, we will have experienced and understood
  • How to balance one’s professional role
  • How to facilitate another one in balancing his/her own

Method used in the practical presentation
This facilitation is run according to the methodology of action methods (as defined by J.L. Moreno). It is an interactive, playful and dynamic space allowing for expression through action. It enables, if needed, each and everyone not only to express but also to experiment and to exercise ways of being and ways of doing. Thus, the Collective Intelligence put into action facilitates the elaboration of reflections and the evaluation of options that can produce the desired adjustments.

Norbert Apter, Harvard (M.Ed.)
International trainer and diplomed trainer for trainers he has worked in more than 25 countries. Specialist of groups/teams, and Action Methods developed by J.L. Moreno, he has facilitated, in the last 30 years, numerous teams in the development of their collaborative competencies, in their problem-solving and conflicts transformation. Director of Institut ODeF, twice elected member of the Board of FEPTO (2011/2013-2013/2015) (, author of a large number of articles, is also a lecturer and has taken part in numerous conferences. More details:


Fee: 160 EUR (and 145 EUR before March 1, 2025). Extra discount for ESCÜ members and students of Estonian Psychodrama Institute and Moreno Centre.
The group size is limited.

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