Working on group dynamics in large groups using sociometry
Töötuba Tallinnas 11.01.2025 (9:30-15:30)
Registreerimine kuni 13.detsember 2024Osalemistasu 80 EUR EPDÜ liikmetele (teistele 90 EUR)
MTÜ Eesti Psühhodraama Ühing (selgituseks "Koolitus 11.01.25”)
a/a EE162200221014516589
Hinna sees on kohvipaus saabumisel ja üks ennelõunane kohvipaus. Lõunapaus (45 min) omal käel.
Koolitus toimub Hestia hotellis Euroopa, aadressil Paadi tn 5, Tallinn.
Koolitus on inglise keeles ja praktiline. Koha grupis tagab osalustasu ülekanne.
Psychodramatists have experience using sociometry with small groups, but with big groups – more than 20 people, many find it more difficult. In this workshop, we will first and foremost explore different sociometric tools suitable for large groups, and we will reflect on how it is to take part in the exercise, as well as how the exercise can be adopted into your practice and the setting you work. We will also explore what makes it challenging to work in large groups, how they are different from small groups (are they any different?) and what adoptions we must make. Ingeborg will use her experience with large groups of psychology students as a case.
Topics in the workshop:
- group dynamics and how it is affected by group size; analysing group dynamics
- how to adjust your toolbox with sociometric exercises to work in large groups
- building the group and building trust in large groups
- having fun while building relationships!
About Ingeborg Flagstad -
PhD, 1975, is Head of the psychology department and Professor of Psychology at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HiNN). She received her PhD in psychology at the University in Oslo in 2023, focused on green organizational climate and sustainable changes in organizations. Her main research interests are group processes, organizational sustainability and environmental psychology. She completed her extensive training as a Psychodrama Leader at the Moreno Institute in Norway in 2013 and is interested in the application of psychodramatic tools in academic settings, for instance as a tool to create a safe learning climate. She is a member of the Environmental Psychology research group, of the Norwegian Society of Psychological Science, and the Psychodrama Association in Norway (PiN).